An order from the High Conrt sic of Parliament, which was read on Sunday last, in every church, being the 19. day of December, 1641. - Subscribed by Alderman Soames, and Captain Ven, burgesses for the honourable City of London. Also the true coppie of a seditious paper, delivered in the pulpit to the minister of Christ church upon Suuday sic, being the 19. of December, and afterwards presented to the lord major by Mr. Mamsbridge, reader of Christ-church, and petti-canon of Saint Pauls, London. Likewise the sermon which was preached in the church of St. Sepnlchres sic by a Brownnist on Sunday last, which caused a great disturbance, and how the author was committed. His text was taken out of the 1. of Revelations, and the 14. verse. His head and his eares were white, as white wooll, and as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire. With the relation of the congregation of Brownists the same day at the signe of the Lock in fleerstreet sic

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Printed for William Bowden 1641 England, London [8] sidor.